Turkey will do everything to get the right to the sea: Erdogan

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ৫:১৩ অপরাহ্ন
Turkey will do everything to get the right to the sea: Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to do whatever it takes to regain control of the Black Sea, the Aegean and the Mediterranean.

At a conference marking the 11th centenary of the Seljuk Turks’ victory over Malazgart against the Byzantine Empire, he called on Ankara’s opponents not to take any wrong action.

Erdogan said any mistake would lead to their destruction. We will not compromise on any of our issues, we are determined to do what we need, he added.

“We are not looking at anyone else’s territory, sovereignty or will, but we are not giving up on that,” he said. Erdogan called on Greece to avoid any mistakes that would lead them to destruction.

2021-05-04 17:13:07
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