Trump hints at finally leaving power

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ৫:২১ অপরাহ্ন
Trump hints at finally leaving power

US President Donald Trump has hinted at relinquishing power without admitting defeat. Trump spoke to reporters at the Rose Garden in Washington, D.C., after Biden’s victory was confirmed in Georgia, a Republican stronghold.

He said his administration would not give a lockdown to prevent corona infection. He said only time will tell which administration will work in the future.

Several right-wing groups have announced a mega march in support of Trump in Washington DC.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters have started gathering from different places. Opponents of Trump can also protest at the same time.

2021-05-04 17:21:19

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