President Donald Trump wants to win re-election

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ৪:৫০ অপরাহ্ন
President Donald Trump wants to win re-election

Only four months after the presidential election. And a large part of the country is unemployed. Millions of people are signing up for unemployment benefits.

In this situation, US President Donald Trump has announced that a total of five immigrant visas, including H-1B, will be suspended for the next six months.

The purpose is to provide job opportunities for U.S. citizens.

The White House said in a statement that the president’s decision would create jobs for at least 525,000 Americans.

According to some Democrat leaders, the president is now watching the election with a bird’s eye view. Attack on immigrant visas to gain the support of the people of the country.

Some members of Congress believe that this decision will further block the progress of the US economy.

President Trump has also instructed the Department of Homeland Security to immediately revoke the work permits of all illegal immigrants who have already been deported.

There are many of them who have criminal cases against them in America. The White House claims that this will ensure the employment of at least 50,000 Americans.

As IT companies have been vocal about the issue, several members of the US Congress have also started criticizing Trump.

Democrat Donna Shalala, a member of Congress, said the decision was a testament to how President Trump seeks to further his anti-immigrant policies and hatred by using Kovid-19.

2021-05-04 16:50:15

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