Panja is fighting with death

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ৪:৪৪ অপরাহ্ন
Panja is fighting with death

Panja is fighting with death, Kim gave shocking information to Japan

News of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s physical condition caused tensions around the world. It was later claimed that he was deceased.

However, Kim came out in public on May 1 after pouring water on all speculations. Since then, he has been making noise about one controversial decision after another. And just then, Japan hinted at sensational information about Kim. As soon as it came to the fore, there was an uproar everywhere.

“We have received some suspicious information about his health,” said Tara, a Japanese defense minister, on Thursday (June 25th).

However, the politician did not want to make it clear what exactly happened. According to The Sun, Kim may also be infected with the coronavirus. Although Kim Jong Un has not been seen wearing a mask anywhere recently.

Asked by reporters for clarification on the matter, the Japanese minister said, “I can’t say anything in public.”

2021-05-04 16:44:55

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