Malaysia announces lockdown until 31 December

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ৫:১৩ অপরাহ্ন
Malaysia announces lockdown until 31 December

Malaysia has decided to keep MCO throughout the year to deal with the corona virus. In a speech to the nation today (Friday), Prime Minister Tansri Muhiuddin Yasin announced the decision to extend the lockdown until December 31.

In a televised address, the Prime Minister said the decision to increase the Movement Control Order (MCO) was taken in view of the daily new infections and the overall situation. The Prime Minister advised everyone to comply with the MCO as well as the standard operating system or SOP.

The situation is still under our control, he said. However, if the infection increases in a particular place, action will be taken. At the same time MCO or SOP violators will be brought under punishment.

The new announcement upheld the ban on foreign tourists. Everything under the ban has been upheld in the RMCCO. As a result, concerns about the return of migrants stranded in their home countries to Malaysia have intensified.

2021-05-04 17:13:27
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