Australia to present one of the most ambitious and offensive defense tactics ever

অনলাইন ডেক্স প্রকাশের সময় : মে ৪, ২০২১, ২:৫৭ অপরাহ্ন
Australia to present one of the most ambitious and offensive defense tactics ever

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Wednesday chose the country’s Defense Forces Academy as the venue.

Under the new defense strategy, Australia will increase its troop numbers, buy long-range missiles capable of hitting enemy warships, increase cyber warfare capabilities, and henceforth its defense policy will be monitored in the Indo-Pacific region.

Introducing the new defense strategy, Morrison said Australia wants the Indo-Pacific region to be free; Where no one country will continue to dominate and coerce. There is no doubt that he is referring to China.

In recent years, Australian politicians have been cautious about whether China could be offended. But on Wednesday Morrison was much clearer. He made it clear that he was determined to prepare Australia against China.

Prime Minister Morrison said the rivalry between China and the United States over dominance in Asia and the Pacific has escalated tensions and posed a serious risk of making the wrong decision at any time.

He spoke of the ongoing Sino-Indian border dispute and China’s continued efforts to exert exclusive influence in the South China Sea. Morrison also made it clear that Australia will be with the United States in the Sino-US competition.

Because he plans to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to buy sophisticated weapons in the coming years, it will come mainly from the United States.

2021-05-04 14:57:58

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